收藏 | 2020年植物科学领域影响因子(299份期刊)_Plant
www.sohu.com › a › 431466495_732029Nov 12, 2020 · Journal Impact Factor: 1: Annual Review of Plant Biology: 19.540: 2: TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE: 14.416: 3: Nature Plants: 13.256: 4: Annual Review of Phytopathology: 12.623: 5: Molecular Plant: 12.084: 6: PLANT CELL: 9.618: 7: NEW PHYTOLOGIST: 8.512: 8: CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY: 8.356: 9: PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL: 8.154: 10: PLANT PHYSIOLOGY: 6.902: 11: PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT: 6.362: 12
Annals of Plant Sciences
annalsofplantsciences.comAnnals of Plant Sciences [ISSN: 2287-688X] is a South Korean, International, Open Access, Peer-reviewed, CAS, Index Copernicus, and Google Scholar Indexed Journal. Scientific Journal Impact Factor- 5.016