Appending to lists or adding keys to dictionaries in Ansible › appending-to-lists-or-adding-keysSolution 1: Since Ansible v2.x you can do these: # use case I: appending to LIST variable: - name: my appender set_fact: my_list_var: ' { {my_list_myvar + new_items_list}}' # use case II: appending to LIST variable one by one: - name: my appender set_fact: my_list_var: ' { {my_list_var + [item]}}' with_items: ' { {my_new_items|list}}' # use case III: appending more keys DICT variable in a "batch": - name: my appender set_fact: my_dict_var: ' { {my_dict_var|combine ...
Data manipulation — Ansible Documentation › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Data manipulation . In many cases, you need to do some complex operation with your variables, while Ansible is not recommended as a data processing/manipulation tool, you can use the existing Jinja2 templating in conjunction with the many added Ansible filters, lookups and tests to do some very complex transformations.