03.06.2016 · Yes, and Ansible would do that, but the problem is that the init script. is reporting everything is OK when it isn't. So you have some options, - fix the init script or, - use ansible shell or command to check if the process is running or, - use the service command a second time and fail it if the second one. also report changed.
Namely I have some hosts having the service already present and running where I want to stop it before doing anything else. And then there might be new hosts, ...
09.08.2016 · @alex Ansible is designed for declaratively defining the state of infrastructure or a system. You can run ad-hoc commands against an Ansible inventory or another list of hosts using ansible directly rather than ansible-playbook but that would be a very minor usage of a much more complex tool. Of course if you're already using Ansible then it might help to use the same …
You can check with the failed Jinja2 filter after running your command that checks if the process is running.. Here is an example that uses the output of the command systemctl status apache2 to decide if Apache is running: - name: Check if Apache is running command: systemctl status apache2 ignore_errors: yes changed_when: false register: service_apache_status - name: …
23.07.2019 · Ansible tips’n’tricks: checking if a systemd service is running I have been working on an Ansible playbook to update Oracle’s Tracefile Analyser (TFA). If you have been following this blog over the past few months you might remember that I’m a great fan of the tool!
Can run in check_mode and return changed status prediction withought modifying ... When accessing the ansible_facts.services facts collected by this module, ...
Check if service exists with Ansible · check the exit code of "service status" and accept the exit code 0 when the output contains "unrecognized service" · if the ...
Just run the task service: namehttpd statestarted with the option --check . This tells you, if the service needs to be started, which means that it is down. If ...
06.03.2021 · Another ansible quick tip showing how to restart a program properly. We want to restart the program or the service only if it is running (because some system on executing restart may start the service even it is in the stopped state). Here is what the ansible playbook do: Check if the program is running. Check the configuration of the program.
19.05.2015 · Check if kublete service is running - name: "Obtain state of kublet service" command: systemctl status kubelet.service register: kubelet_status failed_when: kubelet_status.rc > 3 Display debug message if kublet service is not running - debug: msg: "{{ kubelet_status.stdout }}" when: "'running' not in kubelet_status.stdout"
For example, you can use the service module to: Check that a manually installed service is present on an IdM client and automatically install that service if it ...