27.09.2014 · I noticed that ansible seemed to have done some updating with regards to multiline variables, and I'm a little confused about the way the variables are handled now. My use case comes from inserting private-key data into an encrypted yaml file via ansible-vault, and printing the contents via copy module's content directive.
05.01.2019 · Ansible tend to misrender files if the content was limited to single Jinja2 variable as in " { { foo }}" if the foo is a multiline JSON and contain literal \n string inside of values. This happen also if the multiline string is encrypted with encrypt_string of ansible-vault.
26.09.2014 · Issue Type: Bug Report Ansible Version: 1.7.2 Environment: N/A Summary: when using copy module with inline content="{{myvar}}" where myvar is multiline variable, newlines in the destination files got duplicated. Steps to reproduce Exampl...
01.01.2018 · Ansible: multi-line shell script inside playbook. ansible. bash. Jan 1, 2018. Sometimes ansible is not enough, and you want to unleash the raw shell power. But long one-line scripts look totally unreadable. Here is how you can do it with YAML multi-line representation: - name: long shell script shell: | cat /proc/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n' | while ...
This module will insert/update/remove a block of multi-line text surrounded ... The validation command to run before copying the updated file into the final ...
09.09.2021 · Ansible lineinfile examples - Add, Modify, Delete, Replace lines. Ansible lineinfile module could be the saviour of your day when you want to work with files and especially modify their content on the run, like adding a new line in the file or updating a line in the file or replace a line in the file when certain text…
21.12.2021 · Synopsis . The copy module copies a file from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine.. Use the ansible.builtin.fetch module to copy files from remote locations to the local box.. If you need variable interpolation in copied files, use the ansible.builtin.template module. Using a variable in the content field will result in unpredictable …
14.09.2016 · There is a directory under /var/test1 with content:. .. .git .gitignore file1 file2 and I want to copy it on an other location /var/test2 with pre-existing content:. .. file1 If I use the Ansible copy: - copy: # note the trailing `/` at `src: /var/test1/` in …
Ansible copy module is one of the modules in file modules in Ansible. Ansible copy module is used for copy the file from ansible machine to the remote server. With ansible copy module you can do various things let us see what we can do with ansible copy module.
Show activity on this post. You already know how to specify a value with literal newlines; you're doing it when setting the content key in your first example. You can set the value of a variable the same way: --- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: mytext: | Hello World tasks: - copy: dest: ./output.txt content: " { { mytext }}" This ...
13.11.2014 · This makes it impossible to use Ansible Vault to protect content such as SSL certificates or SSH keys. To be used with Ansible Vault, they must be in YAML files as variables and they also must be multiline literals. However after decryption they will have doubled newlines and will fail. This severely limits the utility of Ansible Vault.