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ansible deploy windows vm

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Next: · Docker Tutorial for Beginners [FULL COURSE in 3 Hours] · Deploying vCenter using Ansible · AZ ...
Ansible to deploy Windows VMs - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › comments
Ansible to deploy Windows VMs · I made a template vhdx with just Windows Core installed. · I copy the template to the server that it will be used ...
Automate Windows VM Creation and Configuration in ...
https://dteslya.engineer › automation
Instead, I decided to try out Ansible which cannot run into such problems due to its agentless design. Setting up Ansible. Install ...
vmware - Ansible: playbook to deploy VM (Linux and Windows ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 65037438
Nov 27, 2020 · I created this playbook to deploy new VM from template. Now if I try to deploy a new Linux VM it works correctly, if I try to deploy a Windows WM I received this error: TASK [Clone the template] *...
Create automation ready Windows VM with Packer and ...
https://www.codecrusaders.nl › cre...
In my environment I am using the Ansible vmware_guest module to deploy Windows Server VM's on a vSphere platform.
Deploy a Windows VM to Azure with Ansible - DEV Community
dev.to › cloudskills › deploy-a-windows-vm-to-azure
Mar 20, 2020 · However, in this tutorial you'll be deploying a Standard DS1 v2 Windows Server 2019 virtual machine. The Ansible module used to deploy Azure virtual machines is azure_rm_virtualmachine. As with every Azure resource you've created so far the virtual machine requires a resource group and a name.
Deploy a virtual machine from a template - Ansible
docs.ansible.com › ansible › latest
Dec 21, 2021 · Ansible (or the target server) must have network access to the either vCenter server or the ESXi server you will be deploying to. Username and Password. Administrator user with following privileges. Datastore.AllocateSpace on the destination datastore or datastore folder. Network.Assign on the network to which the virtual machine will be assigned.
Deploy a virtual machine from a template - Ansible ...
https://docs.ansible.com › vmware
Ansible (or the target server) must have network access to the either vCenter server or the ESXi server you will be deploying to · Username and Password.
Deploy a Windows VM to Azure with Ansible - DEV Community
https://dev.to › cloudskills › deplo...
Introduction · Step 1 - Create a Resource Group · Step 2 - Create a Virtual Network · Step 3 - Create a Public Ip · Step 4 - Create a Network ...
Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure using Ansible
https://docs.microsoft.com › ansible
Create a resource group · Create a virtual network, public IP, network security group, and network interface · Deploy a Windows Server virtual ...
Deploy a virtual machine from a template — Ansible ...
21.12.2021 · Ansible (or the target server) must have network access to the either vCenter server or the ESXi server you will be deploying to. Username and Password. Administrator user with following privileges. Datastore.AllocateSpace on the destination datastore or datastore folder. Network.Assign on the network to which the virtual machine will be assigned.
Deploy a Windows VM to Azure with Ansible - DEV Community
20.03.2020 · Ansible has several Azure modules that allow you to deploy resources in Azure. This tutorial will walk you through deploying a Windows virtual machine to Azure using an Ansible playbook. By the end of the tutorial you'll understand how to use several of the Azure Ansible modules to deploy workloads to Azure.
Using Ansible and Windows — Ansible Documentation
Using Ansible and Windows. When using Ansible to manage Windows, many of the syntax and rules that apply for Unix/Linux hosts also apply to Windows, but there are still some differences when it comes to components like path separators and OS-specific tasks. This document covers details specific to using Ansible for Windows.
Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure using Ansible ...
30.08.2021 · Create a virtual machine. Next create a virtual machine that uses all the resources you've created in the previous sections of this article. Add the following task to the azure_windows_vm.yml Ansible playbook: yml. - name: Create VM azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: win-vm vm_size: Standard_DS1_v2 admin_username ...
How to build a Windows VM from scratch with Ansible
madlabber.wordpress.com › 2019/06/23 › how-to-build
Jun 23, 2019 · This should be a simple task. I have already created the answer file for an unattended installation, copied it to a virtual floppy image, and obtained a windows installation ISO. VMware's Ansible modules look promising, so you would think you could use vsphere_copy to transfer the .iso and .flp to a datastore, use vsphere_guest to…
How to build a Windows VM from scratch with Ansible
https://madlabber.wordpress.com › ...
In my greenfield deployment scenario, I am building the domain controller before I deploy vCenter, so vCenter is not available yet. But even if ...
Ansible to deploy Windows VMs : ansible
I deploy all my VMs using Ansible Tower with images built with packer. Packer builds a base image on ESXi that I update periodically and Ansible deploys full or linked clones from that image. Because VMware, both tools have their little gotchas but by and large it's a good process and was super easy to build. my packer scripts and playbook are ...
Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine on Azure With Ansible
https://www.ntweekly.com › create...
This blog post will show you how to use an Ansible playbook to create a Windows 10 virtual machine on Microsoft Azure.
Ansible Deploy Multiple VM from Template VMware - IT World
https://itspyworld.blogspot.com › a...
Install and Configure Ansible Tower in Ubuntu Server; Bootstrap Windows Server Configuration with Ansible Playbooks. PyVmomi module installed; A ...
How to build a Windows VM from scratch with Ansible ...
23.06.2019 · This should be a simple task. I have already created the answer file for an unattended installation, copied it to a virtual floppy image, and obtained a windows installation ISO. VMware’s Ansible modules look promising, so you would think you could use vsphere_copy to transfer the .iso and .flp to a datastore, use vsphere_guest to create the VM, and sit back …
Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure using Ansible ...
docs.microsoft.com › ansible › vm-configure-windows
Aug 30, 2021 · Create a virtual machine. Next create a virtual machine that uses all the resources you've created in the previous sections of this article. Add the following task to the azure_windows_vm.yml Ansible playbook: yml. - name: Create VM azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: myResourceGroup name: win-vm vm_size: Standard_DS1_v2 admin_username ...