33 rader · Uses Docker Compose to start, shutdown and scale services. This module requires docker-compose < 2.0.0. Configuration can be read from a docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml file or inline using the definition option. See the examples for more details. Supports check mode. This module was called docker_service before Ansible 2.8.
How Install Docker And Docker Compose Using Ansible Playbooks · Install docker packages · Add Docker s official GPG key · Verify that we have the key with the ...
The purpose of this project is to be able to test Ansible roles locally and in Docker containers, with docker-compose. To provide an example, included are roles ...
25.05.2016 · Here are six ways that Ansible and docker-compose are better together. 1. If you know docker-compose, you know Ansible (almost). Here's a simple docker-compose file for launching two containers: Both the docker-compose file and the Ansible playbook are YAML files, and the syntax is nearly identical. This is no accident: the docker-compose tool ...
docker_compose – Manage multi-container Docker applications with Docker Compose. You are reading the latest community version of the Ansible documentation. Red ...
09.12.2021 · This redirect is part of the community.general collection (version 4.0.2). To use it in a playbook, specify: community.general.docker_compose. This is a redirect to the community.docker.docker_compose module. This redirect does not work with Ansible 2.9. Close.
02.09.2020 · Now you have multiple Docker Compose applications being continuously deployed to your remote host, securely and with run-of-the-mill server tools like Ansible and SSH.