08.04.2020 · **List vs Dictionary** Quoting: "add additional items under each year (making this a dictionary(?)" Adding items doesn't change a list to a dictionary. An item of a list is introduced with a dash "-" in YAML. Adding additional items under each item of a list makes it a list of lists. Example of a list: schemas: - year1 - year2 - year3
Takes dictionaries as input and returns a list with each item in the list being a dictionary with 'key' and 'value' as keys to the previous dictionary's ...
24.02.2017 · If you want to operate this together you will need to create a dict (or array) in order to be able to operate them. So, what we should do is use set_fact to create this dict: And now we’re able to use with_nested with both items. Take into account that we were saving item.item, but you could save item.stdout_lines for example.
Nov 12, 2021 · ansible.builtin.dict – returns key/value pair items from dictionaries. This lookup plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name dict even without specifying the collections: keyword. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the plugin documentation ...
21 hours ago · Ansible: selecting dict element by extra var. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I am trying to create a playbook to set up log collecting daemons. I have a dict with the parameters to set up (used in templates). Someting like this. logservers: prod: ipaddress: envname: "Productive servers" other_data: "important ...
29.07.2016 · Ansible - grab a key from a dictionary (but not in a loop) Ask Question Asked 5 years, 4 months ago. Active 5 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 35k times 7 2. Another question regarding dictionaries in Ansible! For convenience, I have ...
If I understand your question correctly you want to pass in a domain to find what could be a physical location or data center. I hope this is helps you!
12.11.2021 · ansible.builtin.dict – returns key/value pair items from dictionaries. This lookup plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name dict even without specifying the collections: keyword. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the plugin documentation ...
Jul 30, 2016 · Ansible - grab a key from a dictionary (but not in a loop) Ask Question Asked 5 years, 4 months ago. Active 5 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 35k times
I would use the json_query filter. You can essentially make lists where you need them to make iterating easier. For your case you should be able to get he values of ‘name’ in a list that you loop over, then with that item plug it into your dictionary as a key and you get your list of users.
Ansible unable to convert string to dictionary from the ... › Top Tip Excel From www.stackoverflow.com Excel. Posted: (1 day ago) Jul 25, 2019 · although the element has the structure of a dictionary, its in fact a string, which i couldnt filter it with to_json or to_nice_json to convert it to a dictionary. using the below sequence of tasks will get the value you want to pick …
13.01.2017 · Here is my problem I need to get a dict value from key. But the key is also a var. For example, I had an ansible role. In vars/main.yml, I defined vars as below: --- …
18.06.2019 · I want to take only the element of the list which key name is the Ansible { { inventory_hostname }} of the host Ansible is executing the playbook on. So for example, if I execute the playbook on host2 I want to get the dictionary: - key1: - name: "Foo2" params: - bar: "Baz2". I'm trying to use the lookup plugin but I'm not sure how I can use it ...
11.04.2018 · How do I get dict key from ansible playbook variable? Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. The idea is to pass domain name ie domain.com in playbook and playbook will lookup its A record then check it against the predefined variable. If ip is found in variable then it will display the corresponding key.
Apr 11, 2018 · How do I get dict key from ansible playbook variable? Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. The idea is to pass domain name ie domain.com in playbook and playbook will lookup its A record then check it against the predefined variable. If ip is found in variable then it will display the corresponding key.
Nov 13, 2018 · Ansible - Perform a lookup on a dictionary mapped to a list, but treat values in list as strings 2 Match a key to value from a dict and replace a value matching another dictionary using ansible
Apr 08, 2020 · **List vs Dictionary** Quoting: "add additional items under each year (making this a dictionary(?)" Adding items doesn't change a list to a dictionary. An item of a list is introduced with a dash "-" in YAML. Adding additional items under each item of a list makes it a list of lists. Example of a list: schemas: - year1 - year2 - year3
dict – returns key/value pair items from dictionaries . Note. This lookup plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most ...