If you are running Ansible >= 2.0 there is also the dirname filter you can use to extract the directory part of a path. That way you can just use one variable to hold the entire path to make sure both tasks never get out of sync.
19.11.2020 · For creating a directory on remote hosts using the command module and pass the command to create a directory like below-using ansible: –. ansible all -m command -a "mkdir /tmp/sample_dir_1". In the output, you may get a suggestion as a warning that there is a file module that you can use for the same purpose.
Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly. checksum. string. added ...
21.12.2021 · Note. This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name get_url even without specifying the collections: keyword. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same module …
04.10.2017 · Ansible Directory Creation example. To create a directory using the file module, you need to set two parameters. Path (alias – name, dest) – This is the absolute path of the directory. State – You should give this as ‘directory.’. By default, the value is ‘file.’. For example, I need to create a directory ‘devops_directory’ in ...
How to Create a Directory in Ansible ; $ ansible all ; Enter passphrase for key ; - hosts: all tasks: - name: Ansible file module create directory file: path: ~ ...