cfg - general ansible config file. This sample lists additional inventory plugins to load. The custom plugin must be listed here. NOTE: When using inventory ...
Your inventory source might be a directory of inventory configuration files. The constructed inventory plugin only operates on those hosts already in inventory, ...
10.03.2021 · $ ansible-doc -t inventory -l advanced_host_list Parses a 'host list' with ranges EC2 inventory source rds instance source auto Loads and executes an inventory plugin specified in a YAML config (...) zedr.blog_examples.example_hosts A trivial example of an Ansible Inventory Plugin
16.11.2019 · Ansible Custom Inventory Plugin - a hands-on, quick start guide 16 Nov 2019. This post shows you how to write a custom inventory plugin for Ansible. As usual, this is not a deep dive. If you are interested about what inventory plugins are or why you might want to use them. Please see the Ansible docs.
11.06.2015 · Ansible will accept any kind of executable file as an inventory file, so you can build your own dynamic inventory however you like, as long as you can pass it to Ansible as JSON. You could create an executable binary, a script, or anything else that can be run and will output JSON to stdout, and Ansible will call it with the argument --list when you run, as an example, ansible …
Dec 21, 2021 · How to build your inventory. Ansible works against multiple managed nodes or “hosts” in your infrastructure at the same time, using a list or group of lists known as inventory. Once your inventory is defined, you use patterns to select the hosts or groups you want Ansible to run against. The default location for inventory is a file called ...
21.12.2021 · To use this VMware dynamic inventory plugin, you need to enable it first by specifying the following in the ansible.cfg file: [inventory] enable_plugins = vmware_vm_inventory. Then, create a file that ends in .vmware.yml or .vmware.yaml in your working directory.
Enabling inventory plugins . Most inventory plugins shipped with Ansible are enabled by default or can be used by with the auto plugin.. In some circumstances, for example, if the inventory plugin does not use a YAML configuration file, you may need to enable the specific plugin.
21.12.2021 · For example callback plugins, see the source code for the callback plugins included with Ansible Core. New in ansible-core 2.11, callback plugins are notified (via v2_playbook_on_task_start) of meta tasks. By default, only explicit meta tasks that users list in their plays are sent to callbacks.
21.12.2021 · Other Ansible commands (for example, ansible, ansible-console, and so on) will only look for group_vars/ and host_vars/ in the inventory directory. If you want other commands to load group and host variables from a playbook directory, you must provide the --playbook-dir option on the command line.
Dec 21, 2021 · To use this VMware dynamic inventory plugin, you need to enable it first by specifying the following in the ansible.cfg file: [inventory] enable_plugins = vmware_vm_inventory. Then, create a file that ends in .vmware.yml or .vmware.yaml in your working directory. The vmware_vm_inventory script takes in the same authentication information as any ...
Dec 31, 2018 · Ansible gcp_compute plugin can be configured with a yaml file. Here is a minimal yaml configuration file example: # inventory.compute.gcp.yml plugin: gcp_compute # name the plugin you want to use (use `ansible-doc -t inventory -l` to list available plugins) projects: - <gcp_project_id> # Id of your gcp project regions: # regions from your ...
For example to have a group "CentOS" where ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS' and so on. But having file inventory/constructed.yml : plugin: constructed strict: False keyed_groups: # this creates a group per distro (distro_CentOS, distro_Debian) and assigns the hosts that have matching values to it, # using the default separator "_" - prefix: distro key: ansible_distribution
To start using an inventory plugin with a YAML configuration source, create a file with the accepted filename schema documented for the plugin in question, then ...
Mar 10, 2021 · Create an inventory plugin with Ansible Galaxy. The newer and recommended way to distribute and consume Ansible content is to create an inventory plugin and package it as an Ansible collection. An inventory plugin is considered a module when packaged in a collection.
31.12.2018 · Ansible gcp_compute plugin can be configured with a yaml file. Here is a minimal yaml configuration file example: # inventory.compute.gcp.yml plugin: gcp_compute # name the plugin you want to use (use `ansible-doc -t inventory -l` to list available plugins) projects: - <gcp_project_id> # Id of your gcp project regions: # regions from your ...
Nov 16, 2019 · Ansible Custom Inventory Plugin - a hands-on, quick start guide 16 Nov 2019. This post shows you how to write a custom inventory plugin for Ansible. As usual, this is not a deep dive. If you are interested about what inventory plugins are or why you might want to use them. Please see the Ansible docs. Additionally for an in-depth understanding ...
Enabling inventory plugins . Most inventory plugins shipped with Ansible are enabled by default or can be used by with the auto plugin.. In some circumstances, for example, if the inventory plugin does not use a YAML configuration file, you may need to enable the specific plugin.