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ansible kubernetes wait_condition

community.kubernetes.k8s - Ansible Documentation
https://docs.ansible.com › collections
This redirect does not work with Ansible 2.9. The collection contains the following information on this deprecation: The community.kubernetes collection is ...
kubernetes.core.k8s - Ansible
48 rader · Use the Kubernetes Python client to perform CRUD operations on K8s objects. Pass …
Ansible + Kubernetes: how to wait for a Job completion - Stack ...
https://stackoverflow.com › ansible...
k8s: wait: yes wait_condition: type: Complete status: "True". (The wait parameter expects boolean and in YAML yes is a string, but Ansible ...
k8s – Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects — Ansible Documentation
30.04.2021 · If left empty, the wait_condition field will be ignored. The possible types for a condition are specific to each resource type in Kubernetes. See the API documentation of the status field for a given resource to see possible choices.
Failed after specify a custom condition when waiting #53876
https://github.com › ansible › issues
The wait_condition specified in the task is only valid for Deployment resources, as each resource type defines their own set of conditions (if ...
Ansible playbook wait until all pods running | Newbedev
The kubectl wait command. Kubernetes introduced the kubectl wait in v1.11 version:. CHANGELOG-1.11: kubectl wait is a new command that allows waiting for one or more resources to be deleted or to reach a specific condition. It adds a kubectl wait --for=[delete|condition=condition-name] resource/string command. CHANGELOG-1.13: kubectl …
Need help understanding 'wait' in kubernetes.core.k8s_info
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In my case I'm installing k0s (single node) and I need Ansible to wait for the node and pods to come up. Since the pods are really the final ...
Ansible + Kubernetes: how to wait for a Job completion ...
08.08.2019 · My main ansible component I use for deployment is k8s that allow me to apply my yaml configs. I can successfully wait until deployment completes using. k8s: state: present definition: config.yaml wait: yes wait_timeout: 10. But, unfortunately, the same trick doesn't work by default with Kubernetes Jobs.
Ansible + Kubernetes: how to wait for a Job completion
https://newbedev.com › ansible-ku...
wait_condition works for me with jobs, as long as timeout/type/status are set appropriately, based on your job average time process: wait: yes wait_timeout: ...
ansible.builtin.wait_for – Waits for a condition before ...
21.12.2021 · This module can also be used to wait for a regex match a string to be present in a file. In Ansible 1.6 and later, this module can also be used to wait for a file to be available or absent on the filesystem. In Ansible 1.8 and later, this module can also be used to wait for active connections to be closed before continuing, useful if a node is ...
Automating System Updates for Kubernetes Clusters using ...
https://itnext.io › automating-syste...
Kubespray is the go to tool for deploying self managed Kubernetes clusters. Built on Ansible, Kubespray makes it simple to deploy, update, ...
Failed after specify a custom condition when waiting ...
15.03.2019 · SUMMARY I try use wait feature in devel brach and I failed after timeout. But my serviceaccout was created. I novice here. I watch this pull request and I don’t understand how it work. In my case reason and type of wait_condition may be ...
Setup kubernetes using ansible - Stack Overflow
05.09.2019 · wait_for some time after executing kubeadm init ansible task. - hosts: master become: yes tasks: - name: initialize the cluster shell: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= - name: sleep for 20 seconds wait_for: timeout: 20 Make use of until in ansible.
kubernetes - kubectl wait --for=condition=complete ...
30.11.2018 · To wait until your pod is running, check for "condition=ready". In addition, prefer to filter by label, rather than specifying pod id. For example: $ kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=netshoot pod/netshoot-58785d5fc7-xt6fg condition met Another option is rollout status - To wait until the deployment is done:
KQ - Ansible playbook wait until all pods running
07.11.2018 · The kubectl wait command. Kubernetes introduced the kubectl wait in v1.11 version:. CHANGELOG-1.11: kubectl wait is a new command that allows waiting for one or more resources to be deleted or to reach a specific condition. It adds a kubectl wait --for=[delete|condition=condition-name] resource/string command.; CHANGELOG-1.13: kubectl …