ansible_connection: winrm, ansible_port:, ansible_user: who can do the AD things and all of that good stuff; The Playbook. The idea was to create a playbook that was reusable by all department groups and extra vars could be passed to ansible-playbook to determine the group name and it's members. Long term explore a Galaxy role for the playbook.
Ansible - Group (Host Properties) A host can have one or more group (tag). A group may have also have a group. See Groups don’t really survive outside of inventory and host matching because variables are defined to a specific host "...
Oct 27, 2015 · Method #1 - Using Ansible If you just want a list of the groups within a given inventory file you can use the magic variables as mentioned in a couple of the other answers. In this case you can use the groups magic variable and specifically just show the keys () in this hash (keys + values). The keys are all the names of the groups.
Mar 16, 2022 · Welcome to Ansible's mailing list / forum! Ansible is a radically simple IT orchestration engine that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy.
21.12.2021 · An Ansible pattern can refer to a single host, an IP address, an inventory group, a set of groups, or all hosts in your inventory. Patterns are highly flexible - you can exclude or require subsets of hosts, use wildcards or regular expressions, and more. Ansible executes on all inventory hosts included in the pattern.
31.12.2017 · Let’s now see how to perform them in Ansible 2.4. Our example – list all network interfaces. As our example list we want to transform in ansible, let’s use a list of local network interfaces that Ansible discovers during setup and stores in “ansible_interfaces” list. A simple play that just fetches and prints the list can look like ...
16.03.2022 · Welcome to Ansible's mailing list / forum! Ansible is a radically simple IT orchestration engine that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. ... List of all IRC and Google Groups: ...
25.02.2015 · I am running an Ansible play and would like to list all the hosts targeted by it. Ansible docs mentions that this is possible, but their method doesn't seem to work with a complex targeted group
26.10.2015 · Note:- For New Ansible Users. Ansible has some special internal variables which are also known as Magic Variables. From this link you will get full list of magic variables Magic Variables. There is magic variable called "groups" which hold the inventory group information. we can access the value of any variable ( both user defined and Internal ) using an ansible module …
create inventory graph, if supplying pattern it must be a valid group name. --host <HOST> ¶. Output specific host info, works as inventory script. --list ¶.
I feel like some of Ansible's special variables would be of use here, especially the groups hash- which contains all of the groups and hosts in your inventory.. You can get the hosts in group 'foo' with: {{ groups['foo'] }} Assuming your hosts are named consistently, you can create a list of dev hosts from that group with something like:
21.12.2021 · ansible.builtin.group_by – Create Ansible groups based on facts. This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name group_by even without specifying the collections: keyword. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to ...
Nov 02, 2015 · list-ansible-inventory-groups Description. Ansible module to list groups and number of hosts in each group in the inventory. For more information you can check this post: I got some help from "Mohammad Tayseer" about how to make this script "More Pythonic". Why?
There are two default groups: all and ungrouped . all contains every host. ungrouped contains all hosts that don't have another group aside from all ...
Ansible - Group (Host Properties) A host can have one or more group (tag). A group may have also have a group. See Groups don’t really survive outside of inventory and host matching because variables are defined to a specific host "... Playbook Variable This article is variable inside a playbook, task, ...
17.02.2022 · In this article, we are going to learn about Ansible List. and How to create Ansible List and append items to it. The LIST is a type in data structure and is widely used in all programming languages. It is to store a group of heterogeneous elements. We are NOT going to talk about data structures don't worry. Our Objective is that