21.03.2015 · Working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible. For working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible, refer to following example:
21.12.2021 · Create dictionary from list In most languages it is easy to create a dictionary (a.k.a. map/associative array/hash and so on) from a list of pairs, in Ansible there are a couple of ways to do it and the best one for you might depend on the source of your data.
01.01.2022 · Ansible Map Examples – Filter List and Dictionaries | Devops Junction. In this article, we are going to see the various use cases of Ansible Map Function or Filter. As Ansible Official documentation claims, All Jinja2 Filters can be used within Ansible. It helps us to filter and iterate complex datasets and a list of objects.
08.02.2013 · Convert a list to dictionary - Ansible YAML. Ask Question Asked 8 months ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed 432 times 2 I have ... "How do I convert the list in my task.yml to a dictionary?" A: Use items2dict. For example, read the file and create the list
12.11.2021 · Ansible: extracting a list or dictionary from a complex data structure. If you have a complex JSON data structure or perhaps an array of rich data structures as the result of module output, you may want to extract this into a workable list or dictionary you can take action on.
21.09.2017 · In this blog post I'll show how to add items to lists and dictionaries, when using loops, and across tasks. Normally when trying to add a new item to the variable, while in the loop, or between tasks, Ansible will ovewrite the values, keeping the result of the last iteration.
Combine values from same list of dicts . Combining positive and negative filters from examples above, you can get a 'value when it exists' and a 'fallback' ...