Lookup plugins — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Lookup plugins are an Ansible-specific extension to the Jinja2 templating language. You can use lookup plugins to access data from outside sources (files, databases, key/value stores, APIs, and other services) within your playbooks. Like all templating, lookups execute and are evaluated on the Ansible control machine. Ansible makes the data returned by a lookup plugin available using the standard templating system.
FreeKB - Ansible lookup file (read local file)
www.freekb.net/Article?id=105717.03.2021 · In other words, the lookup plugin reads a file on the control node (that's your Ansible server). On the other hand, the slurp module can be used to read a file on a managed node (e.g. target system). Let's say /tmp/foo.txt contains the following. Line One Line Two . The debug module can be used to print the contents of the file. Notice the ...
How Does Ansible Lookup Works with Examples - EDUCBA
www.educba.com › ansible-lookupAnsible Lookup plugin is mostly used for loading variables/templates containing information of or from external systems. We must note below points while working with Ansible lookup plugins: – Lookups are executed with a working directory relative to the play or role, which is different from local tasks which work with working directory related to the executed
Using Variables — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › playbooks_variablesA variable name cannot begin with a number. Variable names can begin with an underscore. In many programming languages, variables that begin with an underscore are private. This is not true in Ansible. Variables that begin with an underscore are treated exactly the same as any other variable. Do not rely on this convention for privacy or ...