Conditionals — Ansible Documentation › ansible › latestname your vars files, templates, or files to match the Ansible fact that differentiates them select the correct vars file, template, or file for each host with a variable based on that Ansible fact Ansible separates variables from tasks, keeping your playbooks from turning into arbitrary code with nested conditionals.
Ansible match() Test - › 2017/04/18 › ansible-match-testApr 18, 2017 · Reference: Ansible match requires a complete match in the string, while search only requires matching a subset of the string. Example As per the selectattr( ) page, the Jinja equalto( ) Test, as well as the Ansible match( ) and search( ) Tests all work in a similar fashion. Using this dictionary: - hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no vars: network: addresses: private_ext ...
Tests — Ansible Documentation › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Tests can also be used in list processing filters, like map () and select () to choose items in the list. Like all templating, tests always execute on the Ansible controller, not on the target of a task, as they test local data. In addition to those Jinja2 tests, Ansible supplies a few more and users can easily create their own.