Jul 27, 2018 · ansible-inventory-mysql. Simple Python script to manage Ansible inventory in mySQL. Requirement. Python 2.7 or Python >= 3.4; PyMySQL; How to use Setup Database. Create a mySQL database and user, ansible_inv and ans for example.
Dec 18, 2020 · Ansible Dynamic Inventory for MySQL. This is a Dynamic Inventory for Ansible to be used together with MySQL.. It was written because we maintain a lot of servers and static inventory files did not meet our demand, and we like MySQL.
When you point ansible-cmdb to your host inventory ( hosts file, usually) with ... echo "CREATE DATABASE ansiblecmdb" | mysql $ mysql ansiblecmdb < cmdb.sql ...
Dec 14, 2017 · It was written because we maintain a lot of servers and static inventory files did not meet our demand, and we like MySQL. ## Usage ### Work with ansible and ansible-playbook Simply call the script like the following ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py # or ansible -i inventory.py ``` Limitations also work ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py ...
21.12.2021 · Ansible works against multiple managed nodes or “hosts” in your infrastructure at the same time, using a list or group of lists known as inventory. Once your inventory is defined, you use patterns to select the hosts or groups you want Ansible to run against. The default location for inventory is a file called /etc/ansible/hosts.
May 03, 2021 · One of the most basic needs when using Ansible is the Ansible inventory. For years the mainstay has been the INI, YAML, or JSON-based flat file neatly located in /etc/ansible/inventory by default.
06.10.2021 · ansible 로 접속해서 작업할 target 서버 리스트. all 로 모든 대상서버에 command를 수행하거나 [그룹명] 로 그룹핑한 서버들에만 선별적으로 command 수행 가능. /etc/hosts 에 대상 서버 ip에 alias를 주면 inventory 파일에서 alias 로 지정 가능. 대상서버들은 ansible 서버와 ssh ...
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin): NAME = 'myplugin' # used internally by Ansible, it should match the file name but not required If the inventory plugin is in a collection, the NAME should be in the ‘namespace.collection_name.myplugin’ format.
It was written because we maintain a lot of servers and static inventory files did not meet our demand, and we like MySQL. ## Usage ### Work with ansible and ansible-playbook Simply call the script like the following ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py # or ansible -i inventory.py ``` Limitations also work ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py ...
14.12.2017 · It was written because we maintain a lot of servers and static inventory files did not meet our demand, and we like MySQL. ## Usage ### Work with ansible and ansible-playbook Simply call the script like the following ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py # or ansible -i inventory.py ``` Limitations also work ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory.py ...
03.05.2021 · MySQL Based Dynamic Ansible Inventory MySQL Based Dynamic Ansible Inventory Published on May 3, 2021 One of the most basic needs when using Ansible is the Ansible inventory. For years the mainstay...
i need feedback of using mysql as ansible inventory. Today, i use files (with Git). So i can "git pull" my inventory file, modify it (when offline), then push it to my repo. If i work with mysql, i think that the database will not be local. So i can't create a new host localy (when offline) and push it after.
Ansible can pull inventory information from dynamic sources, including cloud sources, by using the supplied inventory plugins. For details about how to pull ...
22.03.2015 · Yes, you can use Ansible's dynamic inventoryto load inventory data from anywhere. Take a look at the AWS inventory script for an example of calling an API for a list of instances.
18.12.2020 · Ansible Dynamic Inventory for MySQL This is a Dynamic Inventory for Ansible to be used together with MySQL. It was written because we maintain a lot of servers and static inventory files did not meet our demand, and we like MySQL. Usage Simply call the script like the following ansible-playbook -i mysql.py # or ansible -i mysql.py
08.07.2020 · Introduction to ansible inventory Ansible inventory consists of static inventory and dynamic inventory. Static inventory refers to the host and group specified in the file. Dynamic inventory refers to obtaining the list of hosts through external script and returning it to ansilbe command in the format required by ansible.