27.01.2020 · Used the package: action which delegates to actual package manager. Enables a package install task to run on different OSes. Can't do update_cache that way, but yum doesn't need it when adding repos like apt does. Vars structure is dicts of OS family specific values. This enables the package and service names to be indexed by facts.
18.12.2017 · Ansible Pip Module – Managing Python Packages. Ansible pip module is used when you need to manage Python libraries on the remote servers. There are two prerequisites if you need to use all the features in this module. 1 – The pip package should be installed on the remote server already. You can use the Ansible apt module or similar to ...
21.12.2021 · The system umask to apply before installing the pip package. This is useful, for example, when installing on systems that have a very restrictive umask by default (e.g., "0077") and you want to pip install packages which are to be used by all users. Note that this requires you to specify desired umask mode as an octal string, (e.g., "0022").
Installing multiple packages in Ansible ... Add your handler logic to restart MongoDB in the file roles/mongo/handlers/main.yml . Write a Playbook called playbook ...
The setuptools package must be installed for both the Ansible Python interpreter ... and you want to pip install packages which are to be used by all users.
13.07.2015 · Unlike Ansible apt module, the pip module does not accept a comma-delimited list of packages. Instead, you can provide all the package names as a space delimited string, using the == syntax to specify versions:. python_packages_to_install: "virtualenv==1.11.6 pss requests comment-builder boto ansible uwsgitop gitpull ipython"