Kubernetes Setup Using Ansible and Vagrant | Kubernetes
kubernetes.io › blog › 2019/03/15Mar 15, 2019 · Step 2: Create an Ansible playbook for Kubernetes master. Create a directory named kubernetes-setup in the same directory as the Vagrantfile. Create two files named master-playbook.yml and node-playbook.yml in the directory kubernetes-setup. In the file master-playbook.yml, add the code below. Step 2.1: Install Docker and its dependent components.
How to Use the Ansible Kubernetes Module
adamtheautomator.com › ansible-kubernetesDec 20, 2021 · Deploying Kubernetes Objects with the Ansible Kubernetes Module. You now have all the files ready to deploy and manage Kubernetes objects. But unless you run the ansible-playbook command, these files are not doing anything. So, you’ll invoke the ansible-playbook command to deploy Kubernetes objects on the remote node.