How to use Ansible with_item - Ansible with_items is a handy plugin to perform loop operations in a playbook. The plugin accepts items and then passes them to the calling module. For example, you can pass a list of packages to install and then give each item in the list to the install task. NOTE: If an item has a nested list, Ansible will flatten it but not recursion.
Loops — Ansible Documentation › user_guide › playbooks_loopsLoops . Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached.
How to use Ansible with_item › ansible-with_itemThe Ansible with_items is a handy plugin to perform loop operations in a playbook. The plugin accepts items and then passes them to the calling module. For example, you can pass a list of packages to install and then give each item in the list to the install task. NOTE: If an item has a nested list, Ansible will flatten it but not recursion.