Manage Repositories via the GIT Ansible Module · Cloning Public and Private Git Repositories with Ansible Playbook Running Git commands on the Git repository may be okay with an ad-hoc command. Still, executing multiple commands on a Git repository can be challenging. Instead of using ad-hoc commands, take advantage of the Ansible Git module with a playbook using the ansible-playbook command.
Ansible Galaxy
galaxy.ansible.comDownload. Jump-start your automation project with great content from the Ansible community. Galaxy provides pre-packaged units of work known to Ansible as roles and collections. Content from roles and collections can be referenced in Ansible PlayBooks and immediately put to work.
Ansible Galaxy
https://galaxy.ansible.comGalaxy provides pre-packaged units of work known to Ansible as roles and collections. Content from roles and collections can be referenced in Ansible PlayBooks and immediately put to work. You'll find content for provisioning infrastructure, deploying applications, and all of …
Manage Repositories via the GIT Ansible Module › git-ansibleDec 24, 2021 · Ansible Git module together with Git checkout is the solution! Git checkout is to check out the desired status of your repositories, such as branches or particular files. Create the Ansible playbook named checkout.yaml and copy/paste the code below. The below playbook will checkout the repository in the opt directory.
Intro to playbooks — Ansible Documentation › user_guide › playbooks_introDec 21, 2021 · If you need to execute a task with Ansible more than once, write a playbook and put it under source control. Then you can use the playbook to push out new configuration or confirm the configuration of remote systems. The playbooks in the ansible-examples repository illustrate many useful techniques. You may want to look at these in another tab ...