Oct 01, 2021 · Ansible JSON – Parse JSON using Ansible json_query. Ansible json_query is an on-demand feature that every ansible user wants to explore. In this post we are going to how Ansible JSON processing works. During the infrastructure automation, we might end up in a situation where we need to process Huge datasets, especially in JSON format.
17.03.2019 · Reading JSON in Ansible is easy. Here are some examples… This is a JSON array of objects (hosts). Each host has a nested object called customProperties. Assume this is stored in a file called customProperties.json in the same directory as your playbook.
Feb 15, 2016 · This answer is useful. 14. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. In case if you need to read a JSON formatted text and store it as a variable, it can be also handled by include_vars . - hosts: localhost tasks: - include_vars: file: variable-file.json name: variable - debug: var=variable. Share.
Do you want to load up JSON data from a file directly into your Ansible playbook, tasks or roles? Did you start by trying to read it via a shell or command module and wondered if there was a better way? Well, there is, in the form or lookup plugins. Read on to see how to use it. Ansible comes with a whole bunch of Lookup plugins that allow loading stuff from the outside your play.
This cache plugin is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short plugin name jsonfile even without ...
Oct 19, 2020 · How to read JSON file into ansible playbook. To read JSON file into the ansible playbook, ansible has given us a filter named from_json. but, of course, we need to use it along with few more commands and module like shell to read the json file. here is the quick ansible playbook example that reads JSON file
Filters let you transform JSON data into YAML data, split a URL to extract the filters shipped with Jinja2 - see the list of built-in filters in the ...
19.10.2020 · Ansible JSON file, Ansible read JSON file and parse the JSON Data with Ansible. Parsing JSON with ansible example. Ansible JSON_query and Ansible JSON example. In this article we are covering in detail how to read JSON data into Ansible playbook and use it as a variable and facts and Store it as runtime Ansible facts
ini file. After running the following shell action, the output variable holds a heap of information about what the commands did and the output from STDOUT and ...
Aug 14, 2020 · Here, the JSON is not really human readable (all is in one line). If this is causing you an issue, you can switch from using to_json filter to using to_nice_json filter; YAML is a natural superset of JSON, this means that you can actually use a JSON structure as a valid YAML variable.
14.09.2021 · Ansible read JSON file - JSON file Parsing. In this article, we are going to see how to read the JSON file in ansible-playbook JSON is the most famous data representation it is widely used to store and transmit data. When you are working in Ansible automation, you might get a requirement to work with JSON files and…
Mar 17, 2019 · Reading JSON in Ansible is easy. Here are some examples… This is a JSON array of objects (hosts). Each host has a nested object called customProperties. Assume this is stored in a file called customProperties.json in the same directory as your playbook.
14.02.2016 · how to read json file using ansible. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 10 months ago. Active 1 year, 1 month ago. Viewed 36k times 19 2. I have a json file in the same directory where my ansible script is. Following is the content of json file: { "resources ...