Shell Scripts to Ansible · The intended use here is to run this role in Ansible Tower. Ansible Tower notifications can be configured for job failure via email, Slack or other methods. This role runs in Ansible, Ansible Engine or Ansible Tower. We’ve condensed the script and created a fully idempotent role that can enforce the desired state of the sudoers file.
Shell Scripts to Ansible › blog › shell-scripts-to-ansibleJun 12, 2018 · The intended use here is to run this role in Ansible Tower. Ansible Tower notifications can be configured for job failure via email, Slack or other methods. This role runs in Ansible, Ansible Engine or Ansible Tower. We’ve condensed the script and created a fully idempotent role that can enforce the desired state of the sudoers file.
Run Your First Command and Playbook - Ansible › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Create and run your first network Ansible Playbook If you want to run this command every day, you can save it in a playbook and run it with ansible-playbook instead of ansible. The playbook can store a lot of the parameters you provided with flags at the command line, leaving less to type at the command line.