How Ansible Works | default, Ansible represents what machines it manages using a very simple INI file that puts all of your managed machines in groups of your own choosing. To add new machines, there is no additional SSL signing server involved, so there's never any hassle deciding why a particular machine didn’t get linked up due to obscure NTP or DNS issues.
use select and map with ansible - Server Fault › questions › 972403Jun 21, 2019 · In your case, you are looking for a specific value of an attribute of your hashmap. This can be done with the selectattr filter which will apply a test to a given attribute of the objects in the list and return only the ones passing the test. There is a different approach to your problem which is more compact IMO using the json_query filter.
Data manipulation — Ansible Documentation › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Data manipulation . In many cases, you need to do some complex operation with your variables, while Ansible is not recommended as a data processing/manipulation tool, you can use the existing Jinja2 templating in conjunction with the many added Ansible filters, lookups and tests to do some very complex transformations.