30.06.2021 · Ansible setup module's filter is not working when use with playbook. Ask Question Asked 4 months ago. Active 4 months ago. Viewed 124 times 1 I am trying to filter setup module for a specific fact, but no output when doing so with a playbook. It works well with adhoc ...
You can create custom Ansible filters as plugins, though we generally welcome new filters into the ansible-core repo so everyone can use them. Because templating happens on the Ansible controller, not on the target host, filters execute on the controller and transform data locally. Handling undefined variables Providing default values
This module is automatically called by playbooks to gather useful ... ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_*_mb' # Display only facts returned by facter.
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. If the target host is Windows, you will not currently have the ability to use filter as this is provided by a simpler implementation of the module. This module should be run with elevated privileges on BSD systems to gather facts like ansible_product_version.
12.12.2016 · setup_module. SUMMARY. Now setup module supports shell-style wildcards from python fnmatch. But this does not allow to specify multiple entries if their names are not a pattern. For example, I can not collect both ansible_hostname and ansible_all_ipv4_addresses, ansible_all_ipv6_addresses.
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. If the target host is Windows, you will not currently have the ability to use filter as this is provided by a simpler implementation of the module. If the target host is Windows you can now use fact_path. Make sure that this path exists on the target host.
Using filters to manipulate data. Filters let you transform JSON data into YAML data, split a URL to extract the hostname, get the SHA1 hash of a string, add or multiply integers, and much more. You can use the Ansible-specific filters documented here to manipulate your data, or use any of the standard filters shipped with Jinja2 - see the list ...
Having set gather_facts to true simply calls the setup module as very first ... hosts: all sudo: yes gather_facts: False tasks: - setup: filter: ansible_*.
Jul 01, 2021 · I am trying to filter setup module for a specific fact, but no output when doing so with a playbook.It works well with adhoc command!. example playbook:--- - name: facts test hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false tasks: - ansible.builtin.setup: filter: - "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses" - debug: var=ansible_all_ipv4_addresses ...
21.12.2021 · With the right filter you can extract a particular value, transform data types and formats, perform mathematical calculations, split and concatenate strings, insert dates and times, and do much more. Ansible uses the standard filters shipped with Jinja2 and adds some specialized filter plugins. You can create custom Ansible filters as plugins.
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. As the ansible_interface fact is a first level subkey in the structure of the JSON document, the …
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. As the ansible_interface fact is a first level subkey in the structure of the JSON document, the minimum you can access is something like:
So I'm trying to get the IP address of every server via `ansible` and expect to use something like ansible -i inventory host_group -m setup -a filter="ansible_eth0.ipv4.address" returns no results.
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. If the target host is Windows, you will not currently have the ability to use filter as this is provided by a simpler implementation of the module. This module should be run with elevated privileges on BSD systems to gather facts like ansible_product_version.
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. If the target host is Windows, you will not currently have the ability to use filter as this is provided by a simpler implementation of the module. If the target host is Windows you can now use fact_path. Make sure that this path exists on the target host.
12.11.2021 · ipaddr() is a Jinja2 filter designed to provide an interface to the netaddr Python package from within Ansible. It can operate on strings or lists of items, test various data to check if they are valid IP addresses, and manipulate the input data to extract requested information.
In most cases, you can use the short module name setup even without specifying ... filter. list / elements=string. added in 1.1 of ansible.builtin. Default:.