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ansible short hostname

Ansible inventory_hostname_short magic variable - FreeKB
http://www.freekb.net › Article
inventory_hostname_short will return the short hostname of a manage node as listed in your default hosts file or your own inventory file.
Special Variables - Ansible Documentation
https://docs.ansible.com › latest › s...
These variables cannot be set directly by the user; Ansible will always override them to reflect ... The short version of inventory_hostname.
Examples of Ansible inventory_hostname - eduCBA
https://www.educba.com › ansible-...
There is another version of it named as inventory_hostname_short, which is used to shorten the long hostnames. Like if someone has a long FQDN, this Ansible ...
Get current hostname and push it into conf file with ansible
02.03.2016 · So much for theory, but here comes the real answer.Don't do it like that. Of course Ansible already knows the hostname. The hostname as defined in your inventory would be {{ inventory_hostname }}.The hostname as reported by the server is {{ ansible_hostname }}.Additionally there is {{ ansible_fqdn }}.So just use any of these instead of running an additional …
Ansible Inventory_hostname & ansible_hostname Examples ...
01.01.2022 · Inventory_hostname variable – Introduction. ansible’s inventory_hostname is a built-in variable. It takes the hostname of the machine from the inventory script or the ansible configuration file. Since the value is taken from the configuration file we are defining, the actual runtime hostname value might vary from what is returned by this variable.
Ansible use inventory_hostname or ansible_hostname in task ...
https://unix.stackexchange.com › a...
I am writing a rolling upgrade playbook and would like to print out the hostname of current host been upgraded. I put inventory_hostname and ansible_hostname in ...
What's the difference between inventory_hostname and ...
https://stackoverflow.com › whats-t...
inventory_hostname - As configured in the ansible inventory file (eg: /etc/ansible/hosts ). It can be an IP address or a name that can be ...
Ansible inventory_hostname | Examples of Ansible inventory ...
11.01.2021 · Ansible inventory_hostname is one of special variables, this variable contains the name of a host as defined or configured in Ansible inventory file, which by default is /etc/ansible/hosts. Ansible provides few ways by which you can use the information related to your target machines, these ways include Ansible Facts, Magic Variables, and Connection Variables.
Ansible マジック変数の一覧と内容 - Qiita
inventory_hostname_short は、inventory_hostnameをFQDNと見なしてドメイン部分を除いたホスト名。 ただ、IPv4 アドレス xx.yy.zz.ww では "xx" となってしまう。 思いもよらないバグとならないよう、使わない方がよいかもしれない。
Get current public IP / host used while connecting via SSH ...
https://www.titanwolf.org › Network
I have an ansible host file (called my_host_file ) similar to this: ... ansible_hostname : short hostname of the host (result of command hostname --short ) ...
Special Variables — Ansible Documentation
21.12.2021 · The short version of inventory_hostname. inventory_dir. The directory of the inventory source in which the inventory_hostname was first defined. ... The ip/name of the target host to use instead of inventory_hostname. ansible_python_interpreter. The path to the Python executable Ansible should use on the target host. ansible_user.
ansible - What's the difference between inventory_hostname ...
Additionally, inventory_hostname is the name of the hostname as configured in Ansible’s inventory host file. This can be useful for when you don’t want to rely on the discovered hostname ansible_hostname or for other mysterious reasons. If you have a long FQDN, inventory_hostname_short also contains the part up to the first period, without ...
How do I print the current hostname of a host in ansible
https://serverfault.com › questions
You have to use the template-module for this. Here's an example task: - name: Create motd template: src: "motd.j2" dest: "/etc/motd".
Creating Ansible manifests and installing a high ...
04.01.2022 · To have a HA RKE2 cluster, we need to:. At least 3 master nodes; Failover solution with floating IP address between ControlPlane nodes * DNS record pointed to that floating IP address * kube-vip. For the HA failover solution, I’ll choose the kube-vip which in contrast to other similar tools natively supports the watch of the ControlPlane health (Control plane load …
FreeKB - Ansible inventory_hostname_short magic variable
20.07.2021 · ansible_limit will return the hostname passed to the -l or --limit command line option. inventory_hostname will return the hostname of a manage node as listed in your default hosts file or your own inventory file. inventory_hostname_short will return the short hostname of a manage node as listed in your default hosts file or your own inventory ...
Ansible Inventory_hostname & ansible_hostname Examples
https://www.middlewareinventory.com › ...
ansible_hostname built-in variable holds the hostname of the remote host just like the inventory_hostname, the difference is that ...
ansible.builtin.hostname – Manage hostname — Ansible ...
04.10.2021 · ansible.builtin.hostname – Manage hostname. This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name hostname even without specifying the collections: keyword. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with ...
Discovering variables: facts and magic variables — Ansible ...
You can use the magic variable inventory_hostname, the name of the host as configured in your inventory, as an alternative to ansible_hostname when fact-gathering is disabled. If you have a long FQDN, you can use inventory_hostname_short , which contains the part up to the first period, without the rest of the domain.