Ansible reboot module - Shutdown Command Not found on Linux ... › 2019 › 07Jul 06, 2019 · Ansible is a widely used configuration management tool. Opensource community and RedHat aggressively developing to create modules for each task. In Ansible 2.7, reboot module is responsible to reboot the host and wait to come back. But the Linux image development varies for each organization. In some environment, engineers might remove shutdown command from the […]
Reboot using Ansible - Code Maven · Reboot using Ansible Reboot using Ansible Sometime we need to reboot the servers using Ansible Ad-hoc command to reboot a single server $ ansible -i inventory.cfg -b -a "/sbin/shutdown -r now" This reboots the server, but the reboot starts before Ansible finishes its work and thus it gives the following error message.
Reboot using Ansible - Code Maven › reboot-with-ansibleMar 18, 2018 · Reboot in a playbook--- - hosts: all tasks: - command: /sbin/shutdown -r now --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: reboot command: /sbin/shutdown -r now ansible-playbook -i inventory.cfg --limit -b reboot.yml This was also discussed in the Getting started with Ansible on CentOS article. Forgetting to become root
How to Work with Ansible When and Other Conditionals · If you need to execute Ansible tasks based on different conditions, then you’re in for a treat. Ansible when and other conditionals lets you evaluate conditions, such as based on OS, or if one task is dependent on the previous task.. In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to work with Ansible when and other conditionals so you can execute tasks without messing things up.