This chapter is all about how to use loops in playbooks. ... files in a directory tree, enabling you to template a complete tree of files on a target system ...
Ideally you would be using different inventory files for production and staging, which would allow you to keep the same {{ inventory_hostname }} value, ...
29.08.2021 · Jinja templates in ansible are saved with an extension .j2 We can also use loops in these Jinja templates. Let's see an example of Jinja templates where we need to write all user details to a file. --- - hosts: localhost vars: users: - name: John id: 1 - name: Tom id: 2 tasks: - name: Copy template template: src: file.j2 dest: users.txt.
Loops . Ansible offers the loop, with_<lookup>, and until keywords to execute a task multiple times. Examples of commonly-used loops include changing ownership on several files and/or directories with the file module, creating multiple users with the user module, and repeating a polling step until a certain result is reached.
31.10.2019 · And the following are examples of things that are Orange: - Pumpkin - Basketball - Carrots - Oranges. In our example we see that because we can’t call the variable outside of the inner loop, the counting didn’t work. A quick modification to your /etc/ansible.cfg file and a small change to your template, and we can get this working.
29.03.2017 · Template iterate Template loop Template item Ansible template with_items for multiple files. You can use the with_items parameter on a dictionary to render multiple files. We are using the dictionary since the source and destination will be different for each template.
17.11.2014 · Ansible loop through group vars in template. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. Active 5 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 114k times 25 9. I'm struggling with a pattern pulling inventory vars in Ansible templates, please help. :) I'm setting up a ...