Tests — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › user_guide › playbooks_testsDec 21, 2021 · Tests can also be used in list processing filters, like map () and select () to choose items in the list. Like all templating, tests always execute on the Ansible controller, not on the target of a task, as they test local data. In addition to those Jinja2 tests, Ansible supplies a few more and users can easily create their own.
Testing Strategies — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › test_strategiesDec 21, 2021 · However, as Ansible is designed as a multi-tier orchestration system, it makes it very easy to incorporate tests into the end of a playbook run, either using loose tasks or roles. When used with rolling updates, testing steps can decide whether to put a machine back into a load balanced pool or not.
50+ Ansible MCQ Test and Online Quiz - MCQPoint
https://mcqpoint.com/mcq/ansibleFollowing are some of the multiple choice questions on the Ansible with answers that will help the students in developing their knowledge. Ansible MCQ 1. Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices Bookmark Report Discuss ios_ping ping debug ios_command 2. In which format are Ansible playbooks expressed? Bookmark Report Discuss
ansible-tests · PyPI
pypi.org › project › ansible-testsNov 13, 2018 · Ansible test. Make testinfra easier with ansible repository. Write your test directly in your roles. purpose of ansible-tests. I want to be able to write testinfra tests in my role and use my inventories and my playbooks to run them. Usages ansible-tests --file-name tests.yml --inventory inventory/dev.ini Test your ansible roles
Testing Ansible — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › ansible › latestDec 21, 2021 · Sanity tests are made up of scripts and tools used to perform static code analysis. The primary purpose of these tests is to enforce Ansible coding standards and requirements. integration. Integration tests. Functional tests of modules and Ansible core functionality. units. Unit Tests. Tests directly against individual parts of the code base.
Introduction to ansible-test
https://www.ansible.com/blog/introduction-to-ansible-test22.02.2021 · Both ansible-core and ansible-base come packaged with a cli tool called ansible-test, which can be used by collection developers to test their Collection and its content. The ansible-test knows how to perform a wide variety of testing-related tasks, from linting module documentation and code to running unit and integration tests.