Ansible is an open source community project sponsored by Red Hat, it's the simplest way to automate IT. Ansible is the only automation language that can be used across entire IT teams from systems and network administrators to developers and managers.
26.10.2018 · We'll follow these steps: Log in on an existing OpenShift installation. Create a dedicated project where Ansible Tower will be installed. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) and, if it's not already present, create a physical volume (PV). Start the installation process. Finally, use Ansible Tower as a service and perform a scale-out.
Ansible Tower supports container-based clusters running on OpenShift. This section provides a high-level overview of OpenShift and Tower Pod configuration, ...
8. OpenShift Deployment and Configuration. Ansible Tower supports container-based clusters running on OpenShift. This section provides a high-level overview of OpenShift and Tower Pod configuration, notably the following: The main Differences in standard Tower vs OpenShift Tower (i.e., auto-removal of instances) 8.1.
Oct 26, 2018 · We'll follow these steps: Log in on an existing OpenShift installation. Create a dedicated project where Ansible Tower will be installed. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) and, if it's not already present, create a physical volume (PV). Start the installation process. Finally, use Ansible Tower as a service and perform a scale-out.
Ansible Tower supports container-based clusters running on OpenShift. This section provides a high-level overview of OpenShift and Tower Pod configuration, notably the following: The main Differences in standard Tower vs OpenShift Tower (i.e., auto-removal of instances) Tower deploys as a single pod first and can scale up after migrations
Sep 21, 2020 · Edit the Ansible Tower inventory file and set the following variable to the PVC name: openshift_pg_pvc_name=postgresql Option 2b: Tower Managed Database, with Non-Persistent Data With this option, PostgreSQL is installed by the Tower installer in OpenShift using an emptyDir volume that Tower creates for you.
This blog post is part of the series “Using Ansible Tower to deploy OpenShift on Azure: a step-by-step guide”. Next time we’ll create a project in our Ansible Tower. This will make it possible to use the playbooks we prepared in GitLab. We’re also going to generate Inventories and add credentials to Ansible Tower.
Upgrading Ansible Tower on Openshift 4.x with customizations In this document, there are steps should be followed when upgrading Ansible tower with CACF Golden Image and customizations done for customer. It is suggested to do following steps on a server with same vlan so network wont be a bottleneck.
Ansible Tower supports container-based clusters running on OpenShift. This section provides a high-level overview of OpenShift and Tower Pod configuration, notably the following: The main Differences in standard Tower vs OpenShift Tower (i.e., auto-removal of instances) Tower deploys as a single pod first and can scale up after migrations
On your OpenShift infra node, download the 3.7 package for ansible-tower-openshift-setup · Extract the package by running the commands: · Before you install ...
Oct 09, 2020 · The Ansible Operator SDK is a collection of building blocks that makes it easier to deploy and manage Kubernetes apps in both a Kubernetes and Ansible-native way. It is a first class citizen of the Operator SDK, now a CNCF incubator project, and one of the available built-in types along with Go and Helm.
21.09.2020 · Edit the Ansible Tower inventory file and set the following variable to the PVC name: openshift_pg_pvc_name=postgresql; Option 2b: Tower Managed Database, with Non-Persistent Data. With this option, PostgreSQL is installed by the Tower installer in OpenShift using an emptyDir volume that Tower creates for you. More info can be found here.. For this option, you …