Ansible for Windows › for › windowsAnsible users have written modules for managing filesystem ACLs, managing Windows Firewall, and managing hostname and domain membership, and more. And when you need to roll this out across your team, Red Hat ® Ansible ® Tower works out of the box with Ansible’s Windows support.
Authenticating To Ansible Tower Via Windows Active Directory ...
gregsowell.comAuthenticating To Ansible Tower Via Windows Active Directory. The Ansible automation platform has many awesome features, and one in particular is its ability to authenticate off of something other than itself. A common one I’m running into with customers is having Tower authenticate off of their Active Directory, so that’s what I’m going to tackle here.
Ansible for Windows’s native Windows support uses Windows PowerShell remoting to manage Windows like Windows in the same Ansible agentless way that Ansible manages Linux like Linux. With Ansible’s native Windows support, you can, out of the box: Gather facts on Windows hosts Install and uninstall MSIs Enable and disable Windows Features