Using Variables — Ansible Documentation › playbooks_variablesAnsible uses variables to manage differences between systems. With Ansible, you can execute tasks and playbooks on multiple different systems with a single command. To represent the variations among those different systems, you can create variables with standard YAML syntax, including lists and dictionaries.
Special Variables — Ansible Documentation › special_variablesDec 21, 2021 · Magic variables These variables cannot be set directly by the user; Ansible will always override them to reflect internal state. ansible_check_mode. Boolean that indicates if we are in check mode or not. ansible_config_file. The full path of used Ansible configuration file. ansible_dependent_role_names
The Basics of Ansible Variables - My Daily Tutorials › the-basics-of-ansibleSep 30, 2017 · Ansible variables help to determine how the tasks execute on different systems based on the values assigned to these variables. Ansible variable names should be letters, numbers, underscores and they should always start with a letter. Basic Ansible Variable example. In the playbook, we can give a variable in ‘variable_name: variable_value‘ format. And we can use the variable_name inside double braces anywhere in the playbook.