30.06.2019 · main is the name of the individual machine, while [proxmox] represents the name of the group of machines. I could add more machines to this group by appending lines below the line with main.The rest of attributes are optional. ansible_host is the machine address. Either DNS name, IPv4 or whatever is necessary to address that specific host, in case it differs from the …
02.04.2020 · ansible-playbook main-proxmox.yml -i isv_hosts --ask-vault-pass *to check if the password is good you cand print it with the debug module: - name: 'Display proxmox pass' debug: var: "{{ pmx_api_pass }}" So this was the firsts steps to configure a local enviroment for configure your Proxmox platform with Ansible
Ansible Role: Create virtual machines with Proxmox and install (unattended) Ubuntu distributions on them ... The inoxio.proxmox_vms role creates all VMs that are ...
Hello! Brand new to Proxmox and a little bit of linux experience. Today I setup proxmox on a 250 GB Sata SSD, and setup a couple of vms as I learn how the system works. I'm hoping to create some sort of fileshare/NAS in a vm.
I have just recently done this. I'm a bit of a noob with ansible and proxmox so improvement is probably possible. hosts file: [containers] host1.domain vmid=10005 memory=512 disk=8 cpus=1 mac=aa:aa:aa:f1:00:05 host2.domain vmid=10010 memory=2048 disk=64 cpus=2 mac=aa:aa:aa:f1:00:10 host3.domain vmid=10011 memory=2048 disk=128 cpus=2 …
It will generate an inventory on the fly with all your VMs stored in your ProxmoxVE. Therefore, Ansible will be able to connect to all your VM. Requirements.
05.12.2018 · Now we’re going to put those variables in a playbook that will actually do something. If you haven’t setup Ansible before, read about how to set it up with virtualenv. In the below example there are two plays, the first provisions the VM on Proxmox, the second will run a role and tasks to change things in the container you just created.
21.12.2021 · allows you to create/delete/stop instances in Proxmox VE cluster. Starting in Ansible 2.1, it automatically detects containerization type (lxc for PVE 4, openvz for older) Since community.general 4.0.0 on, there are no more default values, see proxmox_default_behavior.