21.12.2021 · Note. vcenter_vm accepts more parameters, however you may prefer to start with a simple VM and use the vcenter_vm_hardware modules to tune it up afterwards. It’s easier this way to identify a potential problematical step.
You must have a working Linux virtual machine “template” inside vCenter. · You must have a working ansible configuration · You must have the proper ansible ...
25.03.2015 · Creating vSphere VM’s using Ansible March 25, 2015 5 minute read I am putting this out here in case anyone else may be interested in spinning up some VM’s using Ansible. I am doing this with Ansible 1.8.4 and connecting to vCenter 6.0 GA. I will be adding to this post as I add more functionality.
21.12.2021 · community.vmware.vmware_drs_group – Creates vm/host group in a given cluster. ... To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware. To use it in a playbook ... Examples. Return Values. Synopsis This module can be used to create VM/Host groups in a given cluster. Creates a vm group if vms is set. Creates a host ...
This repository contains a role for create, delete or to manage a Virtual Machine (VM) using VMware vSphere vCenter - ansible-vmware/createvm.yml at master ...
27.10.2019 · Create Ansible Playbook Ansible playbooks are YAML configuratiom files that describe what actions to run on a remote host. For this example, we’ll create a simple playbook called deploy-vms.yml that will use the vmware_guest module to deply a VM from template. Create the file. vim deploy-vms.yml Add the following contents to the file.
01.12.2021 · Ansible for VMware Scenarios. These scenarios teach you how to accomplish common VMware tasks using Ansible. To get started, please select the task you want to accomplish. Deploy a virtual machine from a template. Rename an existing virtual machine. Remove an existing VMware virtual machine. Find folder path of an existing VMware virtual …