community.vmware.vmware_guest_network – Manage network adapters of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure Note This plugin is part of the community.vmware collection (version 1.17.0).
29.11.2017 · VMware vCenter 6.5 Build 6816762. SUMMARY. When creating a new VMware Photon Linux VM from a template, vmware_guest is unable to set the guest's ip address. STEPS TO REPRODUCE. Run the following playbook. - name: Create VM hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars_prompt: - name: vcenter_password prompt: Password for administrator@my.domain ...
05.03.2020 · SUMMARY I created a vm using ansible and installed RHEL 7.6. I am trying to set the ipv4 address of the vm, but it is not getting set, even though the playbook successfully runs. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME vmware_guest networks...
27.09.2018 · I have installed everything and am using the same vm to clone and convert. I install my OS, install all the applications. Then do a clone which keeps the original vm and creates a template that works. Then, from the same vm I cloned from, do a convert to template and the applications are not there. I do agree this is not a vmware_guest module ...
vmware_guest not changing IP or utilizing customization for existing RHEL 7 VM Been trying to get deployment with customization from template working with vmware_guest, and I'm running into an issue where some of my supplied network parameters are not …
27.07.2021 · I'm trying to use Ansible and Vmware module to assign an IP address to a newly created virtual machine with no network configured. I tried vmware_guest/networks module but it requires a vlan ID and it always return vlan xxx does not exist. Also I don't understand why it needs a vlan and the vm guest name is not enough.
05.09.2018 · SUMMARY. The vmware_guest module can be used to power on existing, stopped virtual machines on VMware. The module has a wait_for_ip_address: true option that ensures that the task does not return before an IP is allocated, allowing subsequent tasks to extract the IP from the return value and use it to connect to the machine.. This setting does not work properly.
12.04.2018 · ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME vmware_guest ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2.5.0 config file = None configured module search path = ... vmware_guest - Failed to set Fixed IP - VCenter 6.5 - Windows VM #38715. Closed ... change ip address of existing vm vmware_guest: datacenter: "{{ VCenter_DataCenter }}"