Dec 24, 2020 · Checking if a Directory Exists in Ansible. Using Ansible to check if a directory exists is exactly the same as checking if a file exists. The only difference is that you use the isdir value to confirm the path to the specified directory: - name: Task name debug: msg: "The file or directory exists" when: register_name.stat.exists and register_name.stat.isdir
Jun 15, 2020 · - name: Create a directory if it does not exist file: path: /var/tmp/ansible state: directory mode: '0755' There is no need to use stat to check whether the directory does not exist first, unless you plan to do something else with the result of that test. The file module ensures that the file is in the desired state after running the task.
24.12.2020 · Checking if a Directory Exists in Ansible. Using Ansible to check if a directory exists is exactly the same as checking if a file exists. The only difference is that you use the isdir value to confirm the path to the specified directory: - name: Task name debug: msg: "The file or directory exists" when: register_name.stat.exists and register_name.stat.isdir
Alternatively, remove files, symlinks or directories. ... If mode is not specified and the destination filesystem object does exist, the mode of the ...
Ansible task to know if a path exists and if its a directory, In an Ansible playbook I want to run tasks if a directory does not exists. - name: Check for java exists in /opt stat: path=/opt/jdk1.8.0_71 register: p You're correct, the ansible user module is very basic. For what you want you'll either be rolling your own role, using something ...
Sep 02, 2021 · Ansible - when file or directory exists or does not exist by Jeremy Canfield | Updated: September 2nd, 2021 | Ansible articles The stat module or find module can be used to determine if a file or directory exists on a managed node or on your Ansible control node.
28.10.2017 · How to check if a file/directory exists in Ansible. Posted on October 28, 2017 April 27, 2018 by Ansible admin. To get the details of a file or directory in a Linux system, we can use the Ansible stat module. It works similar to the Linux ‘stat’ command.
10.04.2020 · Ansible: When 'directory/file exists' in a loop. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 9 months ago. Active 1 year, 9 months ago. Viewed 4k times 0 I have written some Ansible code to put users from the users.yaml file in the variable 'nexus_local_users' to be used by a role. When doing this a random ...
Oct 28, 2017 · Checking if a directory exists. For checking if a particular object is a directory and also it exists you can combine the ‘exists’ and ‘isdir’ return values. The ‘isdir’ value will be true if the object is a directory and else false. For example, in the below case I have given the path for ‘test1’ object.
I've searched the group and the ansible documentation, but haven't been able to find a clear answer. I want to conditionally upload a monit config file in a ...
02.09.2021 · Ansible - when file or directory exists or does not exist . by Jeremy Canfield | Updated: September 2nd, 2021 | Ansible articles. The stat module or find module can be used to determine if a file or directory exists on a managed node or …
19.06.2019 · conditional is used to change a ansible play behavior based on there facts/variable. we can control which tasks/roles will be run or skipped on there targeted hosts/nodes with the help of when statement. We create a condition_file.yml playbook. …