Ansible for Windows’s native Windows support uses Windows PowerShell remoting to manage Windows like Windows in the same Ansible agentless way that Ansible manages Linux like Linux. With Ansible’s native Windows support, you can, out of the box: Gather facts on Windows hosts. Install and uninstall MSIs. Enable and disable Windows Features.
Ansible Windows Facts - GitHub › automateyournetwork › WindowsFactsJul 08, 2003 · Ansible Windows Facts. A repository for Ansible playbook that gathers Windows facts using the Ansible setup module. Creates the following output using the facts: RAW JSON; RAW YAML; Formatted CSV (select fields) Formated Markdown (select fields) Interactive HTML Mind Map (select fields) Copywrite John Capobianco July 25,2020. Instructions for Linux users
Ansible Windows Facts - GitHub · Ansible Windows Facts. A repository for Ansible playbook that gathers Windows facts using the Ansible setup module. Creates the following output using the facts: RAW JSON; RAW YAML; Formatted CSV (select fields) Formated Markdown (select fields) Interactive HTML Mind Map (select fields) Copywrite John Capobianco July 25,2020. Instructions for ...