Use the “yum group list hidden ids” command to see which category of group the group you want to install falls into. The yum module does not support clearing yum cache in an idempotent way, so it was decided not to implement it, the only method is to use command and call the yum command directly, namely “command: yum clean all” https ...
Installing, updating, and uninstalling the software packages are also an essential part ... If the package is not present, it will be installed, otherwise, ...
19.02.2014 · So your ansible tasks would look something like this: - name: Check if foo.rpm is installed command: rpm -q foo.rpm register: rpm_check - name: Execute script if foo.rpm is not installed command: somescript when: rpm_check.stdout.find ('is not installed') != -1. The rpm command will also exit with a 0 if the package exists, or a 1 if the ...
I want to implement this logic in ansible: install a named yum package if is available, do not fail if the package does not exist in enabled repos, fail only if ...
May 18, 2016 · Since ansible 2.5 there is an option update_only for yum (and since ansible 2.1 only_upgrade for apt) which installs latest version only if it was already installed on the system. So, instead of collecting a list of packages in another task, you can add the option.
Use the “yum group list hidden ids” command to see which category of group the group you want to install falls into. The yum module does not support clearing yum cache in an idempotent way, so it was decided not to implement it, the only method is to use command and call the yum command directly, namely “command: yum clean all” https ...
Feb 19, 2014 · So your ansible tasks would look something like this: - name: Check if foo.rpm is installed command: rpm -q foo.rpm register: rpm_check - name: Execute script if foo.rpm is not installed command: somescript when: rpm_check.stdout.find ('is not installed') != -1. The rpm command will also exit with a 0 if the package exists, or a 1 if the ...
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg: The central configuration that we previously mentioned If you installed Ansible through a package manager, such as yum or apt, ...
28.02.2017 · I want to implement this logic in ansible: install a named yum package if is available, do not fail if the package does not exist in enabled repos, fail only if installation fails.
18.05.2016 · Since ansible 2.5 there is an option update_only for yum (and since ansible 2.1 only_upgrade for apt) which installs latest version only if it was already installed on the system. So, instead of collecting a list of packages in another task, you can add the option.
Feb 28, 2017 · I want to implement this logic in ansible: install a named yum package if is available, do not fail if the package does not exist in enabled repos, fail only if installation fails.
Since ansible 2.5 there is an option update_only for yum (and since ansible 2.1 only_upgrade for apt) which installs latest version only if it was already ...
Package name to run the equivalent of yum list <package> against. name. yes. Package name, or package specifier with version, like name-1.0. When using state=latest, this can be '*' which means run: yum -y update. You can also pass a url or a local path to a rpm file (using state=present).
25.09.2020 · Install the Latest Version of Package Using the yum Module. In this section, we will show you how to install the latest version of the package with yum module.. In the previous section, we have used state=present to check if the package is installed or not. Now, we will use state=latest to install the latest version of the package.. Let’s create a playbook to install the …