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Homepage | AOC Monitors
https://us.aoc.comAOC respects your data privacy. Why cookies? Simply because they are used to help the website function, to improve your browser experience, to integrate with social media and to show relevant advertisements tailored to your interests.
GitHub - michalsnik/aos: Animate on scroll library
https://github.com/michalsnik/aos03.10.2018 · AOS. init (); // You can also pass an optional settings object // below listed default settings AOS. init ({// Global settings: disable: false, // accepts following values: 'phone', 'tablet', 'mobile', boolean, expression or function startEvent: 'DOMContentLoaded', // name of the event dispatched on the document, that AOS should initialize on initClassName: 'aos-init', // class …
www.aoc.comSquare TV does not require the additional cost of the thin panel technology for the consumers. Instead it changes the inner structure of the TV by implementing the main board and power board right under the panel, and uses the steadiness and heaviness of the square shape design to produce the full extensive effects of an ultra-slim TV.
https://aoc.comUltra Slim TV saves space and perfectly mounts onto the wall surface. Square TV does not require the additional cost of the thin panel technology for the consumers. Instead it changes the inner structure of the TV by implementing the main board and power board right under the panel, and uses the steadiness and heaviness of the square shape design to produce the full extensive …