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apiversion kubernetes

kubernetes - apiVersion and beta versions - Stack Overflow
23.07.2016 · This version of the API includes many new, commonly used features of Kubernetes. Deployments, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets, and Ingresses all received significant changes in this release. Note that in Kubernetes 1.6, some of these objects were relocated from extensions to specific API groups (e.g. apps).
K8S的apiVersion该用哪个 - 简书
24.11.2018 · K8S的apiVersion该用哪个. 本篇文章来自Terraform与Kubernetes中关于Deployment apps/v1的吐槽. Kubernetes的官方文档中并没有对apiVersion的详细解释,而且因为K8S本身版本也在快速迭代,有些资源在低版本还在beta阶段,到了高版本就变成了stable。
Find Which apiVersion to Use for Kubernetes Resources
https://trstringer.com › kubernetes-...
When creating Kubernetes resource manifests, one of the first things that we need to specify for the resource is the apiVersion. For many of the common ...
Which Kubernetes apiVersion Should I Use? - Kubernetes Book
matthewpalmer.net › kubernetes-app-developer
Jun 04, 2018 · An object definition in Kubernetes requires an apiVersion field. When Kubernetes has a release that updates what is available for you to use—changes something in its API—a new apiVersion is created. However, the official Kubernetes documentation provides little guidance on apiVersion.
Which Kubernetes apiVersion Should I Use? - Kubernetes Book
34 rader · 04.06.2018 · An object definition in Kubernetes requires an apiVersion field. When …
Which Kubernetes apiVersion Should I Use? - Matthew Palmer
https://matthewpalmer.net › articles
An object definition in Kubernetes requires an apiVersion field. When Kubernetes has a release that updates what is available for you to ...
Find Which apiVersion to Use for Kubernetes Resources ...
trstringer.com › kubernetes-apiversion
Nov 30, 2020 · When creating Kubernetes resource manifests, one of the first things that we need to specify for the resource is the apiVersion. For many of the common resources, you might be able to “guess” accurately, but it’s a good skill to be able to figure this out in your cluster.
kubernetes - apiVersion and beta versions - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 38547229
Jul 24, 2016 · This version of the API includes many new, commonly used features of Kubernetes. Deployments, DaemonSets, ReplicaSets, and Ingresses all received significant changes in this release. Note that in Kubernetes 1.6, some of these objects were relocated from extensions to specific API groups (e.g. apps).
What is apiVersion in Kubernetes? (Part-1) - Knoldus Blogs
27.12.2021 · The format of the apiVersion is api_group/version. An object definition in Kubernetes requires a apiVersion field. When Kubernetes has a release that updates what is available for you to use—changes something in its API—a new apiVersion is created. Which apiVersion should I use? What does each apiVersion mean? alpha
Ingress | Kubernetes
14.12.2021 · As with all other Kubernetes resources, an Ingress needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. The name of an Ingress object must be a valid DNS subdomain name . For general information about working with config files, see deploying applications, configuring containers, managing resources .
K8S的apiVersion版本详解_地下库-CSDN博客_apiversion k8s
18.01.2021 · 1. 背景. Kubernetes的官方文档中并没有对apiVersion的详细解释,而且因为K8S本身版本也在快速迭代,有些资源在低版本还在beta阶段,到了高版本就变成了stable。. 如Deployment: 1.6版本之前 apiVsersion:extensions/v1beta1. 1.6版本到1.9版本之间:apps/v1beta1. 1.9版本之后:apps/v1. 2 ...
What is apiVersion in Kubernetes? (Part-1) - Knoldus Blogs
blog.knoldus.com › what-is-apiversion-in
Dec 27, 2021 · When we create Kubernetes resource manifests, one of the first important things that we need to specify for the resource is the apiVersion. For many of the common resources, you might be able to “guess” accurately, but it’s a good skill to be able to figure this out in your cluster. The format of the apiVersion is api_group/version.
FairwindsOps/pluto: A cli tool to help discover ... - GitHub
https://github.com › FairwindsOps
Find Kubernetes resources that have been deprecated. Pluto is a utility to help users find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions in their code repositories and ...
Kubernetes - How to know latest supported API version - Stack ...
https://stackoverflow.com › kubern...
$ kubectl explain pod KIND: Pod VERSION: v1 <== API version DESCRIPTION: Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource ...
The Kubernetes API
https://kubernetes.io › overview
The core of Kubernetes' control plane is the API server and the HTTP API ... that object using either the v1beta1 or the v1 API version.
Find Which apiVersion to Use for Kubernetes Resources ...
29.11.2020 · When creating Kubernetes resource manifests, one of the first things that we need to specify for the resource is the apiVersion. For many of the common resources, you might be able to “guess” accurately, but it’s a good skill to be able to figure this out in your cluster.
Deprecated Kubernetes APIs - Helm
https://helm.sh › docs › topics › ku...
It is specified in the apiVersion field of the template and it identifies the API version of the Kubernetes object. This means that Helm users and chart ...