RetroArch - AppImageHub RetroArch is available as an AppImage which means "one app = one file", which you can download and run on your Linux system while you don't need a package manager and nothing gets changed in your system. Awesome! AppImages are single-file applications that run on most Linux distributions. Download an application, make it executable, and run!
How to install AppImage in Linux › install-appimageSep 11, 2020 · In short, the AppImage program is an image containing everything you need to run the program, packaged in a special way with the executable part bundled. To run programs, you don't need to install anything, just download the image, make it executable and run. And due to the fact that all the libraries are inside the image, programs can be run in most Linux distributions.
How to install AppImage in Linux · AppImage is the latest attempt of the Linux community to build something equivalent to "Portable application". Install AppImage should be done in a few clicks instead of running terminal commands. One program is included in a single image file, which contains all the libraries, configs and the program itself necessary for its operation.
AppImage | Linux apps that run anywhere
https://appimage.orgLinux apps that run anywhere "As a user, I want to download an application from the original author, and run it on my Linux desktop system just like I would do with a Windows or Mac application." "As an application author, I want to provide packages for Linux desktop systems, without the need to get it 'into' a distribution and without having to build for gazillions of …
AppImage | Linux apps that run anywhere
appimage.orgJust download the application, make it executable, and run! No need to install. Runs on most 32-bit and 64-bit Linux desktops. Many upstream projects like Krita, Subsurface, MuseScore, KDevelop, and digiKam have started to provide AppImages directly on their download pages.