Betal med Apple Pay - Apple-kundestøtte (NO) · Trykk på Apple Pay-knappen eller velg Apple Pay som betalingsmåte. Hvis du vil betale med et annet kort, trykker du på Neste-knappen eller Utvid meny-knappen ved siden av standardkortet ditt. Hvis nødvendig angir du fakturerings-, leverings- og kontaktinformasjonen din. Apple Pay lagrer denne informasjonen, så du trenger ikke å angi den ...
Pay your Apple Card balance online - Apple Support › guide › apple-card-web-servicingYou can make an immediate, one-time payment toward your Apple Card balance, or you can schedule a one-time payment for the future. At, click Payments in the sidebar. You can make a payment at the bottom of the page. Enter a payment amount or choose a suggested amount. If you already made a payment or have one scheduled, you may need to click Pay Now, Pay More, or Pay Installments Early before you can add an amount.
Payment, Financing, Refunds and VAT - Shopping Help - Apple › shop › helpPayment methods. Apple accepts a variety of payment methods online. Click on a payment method below to find out more: Apple Pay; Apple Card; Credit Cards or Debit Cards; PayPal; Apple Business Lease (AFS Commercial Credit) Apple Gift Cards; Apple Account Balance; Note: Business lease, wire transfers, and money orders are ineligible payment methods for pickup items.
Apple Pay - Apple › apple-payApple Pay works anywhere that takes contactless payments — from vending machines and grocery stores to taxis and subway stations. Online and in apps. Use Apple Pay for purchases in Safari on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. You can skip the lengthy checkout forms and pay with just a touch or a glance.
Apple Pay – Apple (NO) Pay – Apple (NO) Apple Pay. Betaler alt. Apple Pay er en enestående måte å betale på. Den erstatter fysiske betalingskort og kontanter med en metode som er enklere, tryggere, sikrere og helt privat – uansett om du skal betale i en butikk, på et nettsted eller i en app. Dette er fremtidens betalingsmetode.
Apple Pay - Apple (UK) Pay works with major credit and debit cards from banks around the world, with more added all the time. You can see all the banks that support Apple Pay here. If your card does not yet support Apple Pay, contact your bank for more information.
Apple Pay - Apple Pay works with major credit and debit cards from banks around the world, with more added all the time. You can see all the banks that support Apple Pay here. If your card does not yet support Apple Pay, contact your bank for more information.
Change, add, or remove Apple ID payment methods › en-us › HT201266Dec 23, 2021 · Open the Settings app. Tap your name. Tap Payment & Shipping. You might be asked to sign in with your Apple ID. To add a payment method, tap Add Payment Method. To update a payment method, tap the payment method, then edit your information. You might need to enter the security code that's printed on your credit or debit card.