1. Modelling with first-order equations
learn.lboro.ac.uk › archive › olmpModelling electrical circuits Another application of first-order differential equations arises in the modelling of electrical circuits. In Section 19.1 the differential equation for the RL circuit in Figure 5 below was shown to be L di dt +Ri = E in which the initial condition is i = 0 at t = 0. E + ! R L i Figure 5
https://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/xie/Graphics/XIE_Differential Equations...Differential equations have wide applications in various engineering and science disciplines. Ingeneral,modelingvariationsofaphysicalquantity,suchastempera- ture,pressure,displacement,velocity,stress,strain,or concentration of a pollutant, with the change of timetorlocation,suchasthecoordinates(x,y,z),orboth would require differential equations.