When downloading dependencies, we use the apt-get command. The primary function of apt-get is to obtain software packages and information from their ...
sudo apt-get install -f. This would install any dependencies that your previous installs missed. I just corrected my teamviewer and VNC installs. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. edited Apr 10 '13 at 16:11. geezanansa. 1,480 2.
apt-cache depends pkgname will show a package's dependencies. If you want it all in one command, you could do worse than: apt-get install `apt-cache depends ...
For instance, let us download the Vim package with all required dependencies, without installing them, using command: $ sudo apt-get install --download-only ...
Aug 23, 2021 · It is smart enough to find the package you are trying to install, determine its dependencies, and install both the package as well as its dependencies for you. We primarily use apt-get command to install packages & their dependencies. Here is the basic syntax for installing packages using Apt command. $ apt-get [options] command. Here is an ...
When you use apt to install a package, under the hood it uses dpkg . When you install a package using apt, it first creates a list of all the dependencies ...
13.01.2020 · In such cases, use "apt-rdepends" to download all packages. If apt-rdepends is not installed yet, install it using command: $ sudo apt install apt-rdepends. And then download the main package (i.e. Vim in our case) along with all dependencies using command: $ apt download $(apt-rdepends vim | grep -v "^ ")
IF you accept the caveat that there may be dependencies already installed on your system, then the easiest way is to go apt-get install --simulate <your_package>, this will first list all the deps it will install, then copy the list of packages, then apt-get download <the_list_of_packages>
May 21, 2020 · Option 7: Use the -f Flag. According to the apt-get man page, using the -f (or --fix-broken) parameter will allow the apt-get command to try to correct the broken dependencies issue. Do not use the package name in the command when using -f. Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place.
sudo apt-get install -f. This would install any dependencies that your previous installs missed. I just corrected my teamviewer and VNC installs. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. edited Apr 10 '13 at 16:11. geezanansa. 1,480 2.
By default, apt-get install installs all dependencies at the “depends” or “recommends” level. Pass the --no-install-recommends option to tell it not to install “recommends”-level dependencies.
23.08.2021 · In this article, we will look at how to install dependencies with Apt command. How to Install Dependencies with Apt. Apt stands for Advanced package tool that allows you to easily manage packages on your Debian/Ubuntu systems. In fact, it can also be used to upgrade your entire operating system, not just individual packages.