Let's be honest.... After a clean install of Arch, the font rendering sucks. Ubuntu has far better font rendering. I've used Arch with gnome but even after turning on sub-pixel anti-aliasing and slight hinting, they don't seem to improve.
Font rendering in i3 I've followed numerous guides and the wiki to get fonts installed and they are installed correctly and I'm able to switch fonts within applications, but …
Font configuration - ArchWiki Font configuration Fontconfig is a library designed to provide a list of available fonts to applications, and also for configuration for how fonts get rendered. The FreeType library renders the fonts, based on this configuration.
To improve the fonts in Arch we first need to add some additional fonts. Add the following to the terminal:sudo pacman -S ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-inconsolata...
May 07, 2007 · This would make Arch the best font-rendering distro available! Last edited by Neuro (2007-06-10 10:29:51) Offline #5 2007-06-10 12:56:07. Kenetixx Member
After a clean install of Arch, the font rendering sucks. Ubuntu has far better font rendering. I've used Arch with gnome but even after turning on sub-pixel anti-aliasing and slight hinting, they don't seem to improve.
17.06.2007 · If they work perfectly for LCD displays as well, it would be a reason to move them to current and thereby give Arch the best default font rendering around. These patches modify only the way subpixel rendering works, and this is used mostly for LCD displays. For CRT, just use grayscale smoothing. EDIT:
Anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing of fonts is available with Oracle Java 1.6 and OpenJDK on Linux.. Running an xsettings daemon. Java tries to get the system defaults through xsettings. On GNOME you do not have to do anything, gnome-settings-daemon is already running. Otherwise Xsettingsd is a lightweight alternative.. Overriding the automatically picked up settings
Font configuration. From ArchWiki. Fontconfig is a library designed to provide a list of available fonts to applications, and also for configuration for how fonts get rendered. The FreeType library renders the fonts, based on this configuration. The freetype2 font rendering packages on Arch Linux include the bytecode interpreter (BCI) enabled ...
06.05.2016 · The fonts were looked very dull. This is where Infinality bundle & fonts comes in help. Infinality bundle & fonts is free, open source project that helps you to improve the quality of font rendering. It contains contains collection of carefully chosen fonts that provides correct, uniform and high quality rendering of multilingual content.
28.09.2015 · I've just installed ArchLinux and LXDE, everything is working fine but fonts rendering is not optimal. Reading the wiki about font configuration and using external source of …
Sep 29, 2015 · I've just installed ArchLinux and LXDE, everything is working fine but fonts rendering is not optimal. Reading the wiki about font configuration and using external source of information, I've build the following /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file
Mar 09, 2017 · Since today's fontconfig-upgrade [fontconfig (1:2.13.0+15+gc60ed9e-1 -> 1:2.13.1-1)], I also have blurry fonts in some applications where the rendering has been very sharp until yesterday. Offline #10 2018-09-03 14:03:01
This is what I do when I install Arch Linux to improve the fonts. ... The above will disable embedded bitmap for all fonts, enable sub-pixel RGB rendering, ...
11.08.2011 · In Arch, there are no font rendering patches. If you install a desktop environment, it handles this stuff by itself. On openbox, I was getting very ugly fonts due to no font rendering. I looked up the ArchWiki which is a very good source but unfortunately I …
May 06, 2016 · The fonts were looked very dull. This is where Infinality bundle & fonts comes in help. Infinality bundle & fonts is free, open source project that helps you to improve the quality of font rendering. It contains contains collection of carefully chosen fonts that provides correct, uniform and high quality rendering of multilingual content.
Let’s face it: the plain vanilla font rendering on Linux was horrible. For a long time, I had relied on Infinality patches for freetype2 and fontconfig to improve how texts looked on Arch Linux, and the result was impressive.. But then, the upstream of Infinality died.