Find The List Of Installed Repositories From Commandline In Linux › find-list-installed-repositoriesJun 08, 2021 · List installed repositories in Linux using inxi utility APT (Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives) PACMAN (Arch Linux, and derivatives) PISI (Pardus, and derivatives) PORTAGE (Gentoo, Sabayon, and derivatives) PORTS (OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and derivatives) SLACKPKG (Slackware, and derivatives) URPMQ ...
Arch Linux - Pacman Mirrorlist Generator page generates the most up-to-date mirrorlist possible for Arch Linux. The data used here comes straight from the developers' internal mirror database used to track mirror availability and tiering. There are two main options: get a mirrorlist with every available mirror, or get a mirrorlist tailored to your geography.
AUR (en) - Home - Arch Linux
https://aur.archlinux.orgThere are three types of requests that can be filed in the Package Actions box on the package details page: . Orphan Request: Request a package to be disowned, e.g. when the maintainer is inactive and the package has been flagged out-of-date for a long time.; Deletion Request: Request a package to be removed from the Arch User Repository.Please do not use this if a package is …
AUR (en) - Home - Arch Linux
aur.archlinux.orgGeneral discussion regarding the Arch User Repository (AUR) and Trusted User structure takes place on aur-general. For discussion relating to the development of the AUR web interface, use the aur-dev mailing list.