Packages | Arch Linux ARM › packagesArch, Repo, Name, Version. aarch64, extra, 389-ds-base, 2.0.11-2. armv6h, extra, 389-ds-base, 2.0.11-2. armv7h, extra, 389-ds-base, 2.0.11-2.
Installing Brave on Linux | Brave Browser › linuxThe Arch packages are available as brave-bin, brave-beta-bin and brave-nightly-bin in the Arch User Repository. To install it, you’ll need to use an AUR helper, such as yay. yay -S brave-bin yay -S brave-beta-bin yay -S brave-nightly-bin Manjaro . Manjaro has access to the Arch User Repository.
Arch Linux - Package Search searching again using different criteria, or try searching the AUR to see if the package can be found there. You are browsing the Arch Linux package database. From here you can find detailed information about packages located in the official supported repositories. › browseIcons for Dark Plasma Theme Manjaro-Cyan-Plasma , which you can download: Here Based on Default Breeze IconsIcons for Light Plasma Themes Cyan-Breeze-Light-Icons : Here -----Icons: Breeze Chameleon Dark : Here Icons: Breeze Chameleon Light : Here - The folders change...