NVIDIA - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
wiki.archlinux.org › title › NVIDIADetermine the necessary driver version for your card by: Finding the code name (e.g. NV50, NVC0, etc.) on Nouveau wiki's code names page or [1]. Looking up the name in NVIDIA's legacy card list: if your card is not there you can use the latest driver. Visiting NVIDIA's driver download site. 3.
NVIDIA - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIADetermine the necessary driver version for your card by: Finding the code name (e.g. NV50, NVC0, etc.) on Nouveau wiki's code names page or [1]. Looking up the name in NVIDIA's legacy card list: if your card is not there you can use the latest driver. Visiting NVIDIA's driver download site. 3.