Docker (software) - Wikipedia is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. Because all of the containers share the services of a single operatin…
AUR (en) - nvidia-docker - Arch Linux package is now deprecated in upstream, as you can now use nvidia-container-toolkit together with docker 19.03's new native GPU support in order to use NVIDIA accelerated docker containers without requiring nvidia-docker.I'm keeping the package alive for now because it still works but in the future it may become fully unsupported in upstream.
Docker - ArchWiki - Arch Linux - ArchWiki Docker Docker is a utility to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Contents 1 Installation 2 Usage 3 Configuration 3.1 Storage driver 3.2 Daemon socket 3.3 HTTP Proxies 3.3.1 Docker daemon proxy configuration 3.3.2 Docker container proxy configuration 3.4 Configuring DNS 3.5 Images location
Docker - ArchWiki - Arch Linux › title › DockerInstallation. Install the docker package or, for the development version, the docker-git AUR package. Next start and enable docker.service and verify operation: # docker info Note that starting the docker service may fail if you have an active VPN connection due to IP conflicts between the VPN and Docker's bridge and overlay networks.