Archlinux, systemd-free
https://systemd-free.artixlinux.orgOpenRC in the Archlinux wiki The Archlinux OpenRC wiki page doesn't contain information on the migration process anymore; it breaks down things in several different articles and provides links to other resources not always Arch-specific, which unnecessarily obfuscates things, not to mention the omnipresent warning to not remove systemd.
AUR (en) - openrc › packages › openrcbash-completion ( bash-completion-git) (optional) – tab completion for openrc commands in bash shells. net-tools ( net-tools-mptcp, net-tools-debian-ifconfig, net-tools-git) (optional) – for network service support. openrc-arch-services-git (optional) – collection of services for Arch. opentmpfiles (optional) – adds support for systemd ...
OpenRC - ArchWiki › title › OpenRCOpenRC. From ArchWiki. Warning: Arch Linux only has official support for systemd. When using OpenRC, please mention so in support requests. OpenRC is a service manager maintained by the Gentoo developers. OpenRC is dependency based and works with the system provided init program, normally SysVinit .