In a Nutshell, archlinuxcn-repo..... has had 122,205 commits made by 158 contributors representing 37,570 lines of code... is mostly written in shell script
Add repo: [archlinuxcn] Server =$arch. to your /etc/pacman.conf . For mirrors (strongly recommended for users in China), ...
Oct 13, 2021 · Arch Linux CN Community repo mirrors list. Here is a list of public mirrors of our community repository.. If you interested in making a mirror of our repository, please open an issue or pull request (or contact us at and hope the mail reaches).
Unofficial user repositories. This article lists binary repositories freely created and shared by the community, often providing pre-built versions of PKGBUILDS found in the AUR . In order to use these repositories, add them to /etc/pacman.conf, as …
If you want to create your own custom repository, follow pacman/Tips and ... Key-ID: Once the repo is added, archlinuxcn-keyring package must be installed ...
13.10.2021 · Arch Linux CN Community repo mirrors list. Here is a list of public mirrors of our community repository. If you interested in making a mirror of our repository, please open an issue or pull request (or contact us at and hope the mail reaches). ## Our main server (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) (ipv4, ipv6, http, https ...
09.08.2020 · 系统:Manjaro 20.0.3桌面:Gnome安装软件时出现错误:无法从 : Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received 获取文件 'archlinuxcn.db'错误:无法升级 archlinuxcn (下载数据库出错)错误:无法从 : Recv failure: 连接被对方重设 获取.
02.06.2021 · Manjaro CN Repository. Automatically built packages based on archlinuxcn/repo and manjarocn/docker.. Install. Add manjarocn to /etc/pacman.conf:. Please make sure manjarocn is before archlinuxcn if you also use archlinuxcn repository.