Are you a Demon? - you a Demon? Demons are the opposite of angels. It is many kinds of demons too. They are like evil ghosts who wants to hurt. They are evil for the most, but it does excist good demons too. Are YOU a demon? This test will help you to find out. Maybe you are evil, maybe you are good. Maybe you are going to heaven, maybe you are going to hell.
Are you possessed? - you possessed? 1 Comment. Hello, if you are taking this test I feel bad for you. This test is really accurate as you can probably tell by the questions. Hopefully you take this test so you know if Satan is coming after your soul. Don't let your soul get snatched like a weave. Protect your soul (and your weave).
Are You Obsessed? - you obsessed with someone? Come on, now, are you SURE you aren't obsessed? Sometimes obsession can sneak up on you without your even realizing it. It is swift in its destruction and it can cause serious problems in your relationships, at work and even in you. This quiz will help you to determine if you are, indeed, obsessed over someone.
Are you possessed? - › are_you_possessedAre you possessed? 1 Comment. Hello, if you are taking this test I feel bad for you. This test is really accurate as you can probably tell by the questions. Hopefully you take this test so you know if Satan is coming after your soul. Don't let your soul get snatched like a weave. Protect your soul (and your weave).